What is the opportunity that social networking platforms provide? How does the social movement around environmental change happen? How do cultural ideas interact with technical, material and economic constraints to develop the movement around new environmentalism? How can we reimagine our relationship to natural systems?
Course Description
This class is an engagement with various new technologies and the opportunity they present for change, social change. ….[see syllabus for expanded description]. In this class we will describe the technological opportunity for social change
presented by contemporary information technology in terms of structures of participation….. This is a practicum, i.e. studio class, that will involve producing work in and for a number of digital platforms including social networking software: artcloud.com ; howstuffismade.org ; the environmental health clinic.
Environmental Art Activism, Social Networking, Web 2.0, Environmental
real-time, distributed, remote and biomonitoring,
1) Me++: Become an Impatient
2) Where++:
3) Them++: HowStuffisMade
4) How++:
5) When++:Â
Class Information
Class session: W 8:55 – 12:15
In addition you will be required to attend other lectures, exhibitions and site visits.
The post Environmental Classes appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/environmentalhealth/education/environmental-classes/
source https://healthinfoorg.tumblr.com/post/190387131184
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